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What is


Table of Contents

  1. Intro
  2. Tutorials
  3. Free-form Editing
  4. Getting Help


Roborampage is a remixable game and set of educational tutorials built in Thimble using the Coquette micro-framework for games.

It aims to hook learners on the power of remixability by letting them:

  1. change colors through configuration
  2. customize graphics by editing HTML
  3. write simple javascript functions to invent player abilities
  4. create complex functions to modify the whole game


Tutorials are delivered in Thimble along with suitably minimized code. You can find links in the Hack It section of the main page.

Clicking the link for your desired tutorial will take you to Thimble with the tutorial content open in the left-most pane, the code in the middle, and a live-preview on the right. You can see an example here.

Editing the code in the middle pane will automatically reload the preview, or you can click the "Reload" button above the preview to reload it manually.

To play your game in the Thimble preview, you will have to click on the game area first to give it focus so that it registers keyboard commands. When you are viewing the game without the editor open, the game should automatically have focus.

Free-form Editing

The tutorials try not to overwhelm learners by hiding javascript as necessary in script tags. However, if you want to play with the full game source in Thimble, you can do so here. A link is also provided in the text at the top of the Hack It section of the main page.

Getting Help

ROBORAMPAGE lives on GitHub. Issues or questions can be filed in the issue tracker. Questions or feedback can also be directed at @stenington on Twitter. Thanks for your interest and happy hacking!